Good Politics & Good Policy


Don't Take Our Word For It

Salient Strategies wonderfully provides support for our efforts to create an environment in which our organization, across all categories, can grow unencumbered. Specifically, their team helps enhance relationships and builds results with local stakeholders regarding the reputation of Harmony as an expanding organization and key community partner for our state leadership.
Kaan C.
Chief Communications & Outreach Officer
The Salient Strategies team and I worked closely to manage the advocacy and operations of a co-founded, statewide, digital access coalition called Digital Texas. The expertise Salient demonstrated on advocacy, coalition building, and legal recommendations were critical to our eventual legislative success. I look forward to working with the Salient partners for many years to come.
Ben M.
VP of Strategy, Greater Houston Partnership
Salient Strategies has helped to propel the mission of Nurse-Family Partnership by helping us clarify our approach, connecting us to new stakeholders with shared goals, and helping us form new relationships with key policy makers.
Kim G.
Texas Executive Director